Nibbles, Stay Off The Counter-Top Vegetable Sizzle

Nibbles, Stay Off The Counter-Top Vegetable Sizzle

Prep Time: pretty quick
Cook Time: whenever the vegetables taste right, check with fork
Ready In: go!

Servings: if more people come over, double or triple this recipe


1 red onion
1 green pepper
3 cloves garlic
1 can o'corn
good amount of butter, 3 scoops, dollops
salt, pepper to taste
Parmesan cheese
Nibbles the cat


Get the skillet, lather it up with butter. Cut up and throw in the green pepper and garlic first. While they're sizzling and cooking, [because you've got the burner going heavy] cut up the mushrooms and onion, throw those in. Put on the Ozark Mountain Daredevils or maybe the Stones. Bust open the can of corn, drain it, and throw in those little yellow beads. Salt and pepper the whole thing, stir it up. Make sure Nibbles the cat is getting on the table when she's not supposed to, or running from one end of the house to the other, a nutjob. Once the vegetables are all tender, lower the heat, spray with Parmesan cheese, and eat it.

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