charcoal suits.

Hello boys and girls, hope all is well, wherever you may be. I'm currently at a coffee shop pondering the strange spatial-demographics of Washington, DC. (Actually, just the strangeness of DC in general.) I find myself hovering uneasily in the repulsive equilibrium between the Todd-and-Ashley culture of Georgetown, the awkward suit-and-tie crowd scurrying around Capitol Hill, and the depressing suburban sprawl of the Maryland counties. If you tilt your head just right and lean at precisely the correct angle, it almost feels like you're somewhere normal.

Anyways, I'm posting to let ya'll know about the review of our latest release in this month's Little Village. Check it out here:

It's interesting that they interpreted it as two mini-suites. We certainly didn't frame it that way. That's the beauty of music, I suppose. Something different for every listener.

be well.

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