Recipe: 'Don't Forget To Feed the Fish Breakfast'

This dish was created 10.07.09 in the late hours of the night. It is titled, "Don't Forget To Feed The Fish Breakfast" and is a variation on a traditional "Camper's Breakfast".

Ingredients [these can be omitted as you see fit, ditto with additions. remix, mashup, mashed potatoes, fuck it up and give it a name].

8 red potatoes
half a fat onion
1 bell pepper, any color is great, I happened to use a greenie
3 stalks of green kale - mmmmmmm
salt and pepper
3 cloves of garlic [or more, garlic is typically great for a human body]
3 eggs

Cut up the potatoes hash brown style and cook them up in a skillet with a little oil. These take the longest to cook, so make sure you get them good and crispy. Add the onion, pepper, kale, salt/pepper, garlic. Mash it all down so it bakes good - when it gets crispy on the bottom, cut it into fourths and flip them over, keep doing this until you get hash browns.

Crack the eggs and droop them over the big hash cookie. When the egg whites are white, sprinkle some cheese over the top to melt. You're done.

Cut it up, dish it out, and watch Twin Peaks while you feast. Then don't forget to feed the fish before you go to bed. They're hungry too.

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