it's nice out

i'm not sure where you are, but i'm in iowa city, and 31 degrees really does feel nice. i even rode my bicycle without my hood up. (always remember, though: 50 degrees, cover your knees.)

we're playing a show next tuesday with our super good friends Dewi Sant. it's a good post-christmas event, because we get to see so many friends that we haven't seen in a while. our boy Thomas "the Magic Bus" Ruble will be there, and we can't wait to hear him tear it up on any of the thirty instruments that he plays. nobody knows it yet, but the whole show is going to turn into a big free for all with no clear delineation between bands or members. so bring your burning man pants, because shit's gonna get collective.

it's also a tour kickoff show, of sorts. dewi sant is hitting the road the following week, and miss mannix and davidearl are as excited as little kids on christmas to be going along.


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